Every human has the potential and the responsibility to take proactive control over their health; how they look, feel, and function in order to live with joy, confidence, and freedom.

The 4K Fitness & Nutrition Creed

What we do

  • 1 on 1 Personalized Fitness & Nutrition Coaching (virtual) - Learn more below!
  • Speaking - Locally or via video call. Use the Contact page for bookings!


Interested in training in person?

You can find Coach Kevon in the Fitchburg/Leominster area, for select training times. Use the Contact page to inquire. 

Personalized Fitness & Nutrition Coaching from anywhere in the world

💪 Complete Fitness Training Programming

  • Customized for ANY location you train in.
  • Progressed based on your real performance.
  • Specific to you. NOT just what everyone else does.

📝 Tailored Nutrition Protocols

  • Aligned with your goals.
  • Modified for your needs and preferences. 
  • NO arbitrary AI meal plans.

🙌 ACTUAL SUPPORT and Guidance! 

  • 1on1 support calls with your Human Coach (not AI).
  • Ongoing email & text access to your Coach.
  • Private group calls with other humans.
  • App & resource vault access. 
I'm ready!

Kevon Plouffe

Owner & Coach, 4K Fitness & Nutrition

Kevon is a father of 2 boys, who provide him continual lessons in humility, love, frustration, and joy! 

Kevon is a recreational athlete, who enjoys the process, challenge, and exploration of training and movement. He also really likes being lazy sometimes and watching movies. 

He's really into fitness & nutrition and enjoys helping others find their strength, confidence, and physical freedom. 

Learn more about his education and training below... 

The 4 Domains

4K Fitness & Nutrition operates within 4 domains.

Fitness & Nutrition are the most obvious, because how you move and what you eat are the 2 biggest factors in determining your Health, Performance, & Aesthetics. Recovery & Mindset complete the picture, to provide balance and checks on the process. Appropriate stress management - both physical and psychological - are necessary components of any effective, transformational, and sustainable fitness and nutrition journey. 

The Flow Systems

Blood. Gas. Energy. Waste. Water. Nutrients. 

Stagnation kills and movement heals. 

Daily physical movement, nutritious foods, proper recovery, and positive inputs through your own self-talk & thoughts, other people, environments, and entertainment all help "move" a person in a direction. 

Higher quality inputs tend to lead to better directions.

Appreciate the simple actions needed to create and maintain Health and you can also foster Performance and incredible Aesthetics. Health is the foundation.